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Experienced Team, AI-Driven Solutions


With a background in manually translating large-scale projects in industries such as banking and insurance, our team intimately understands the challenges, inspiring us to create a tailored solution that not only addresses industry-specific complexities but also transforms once-unthinkable projects into tangible realities, all powered by our expertise in artificial intelligence and relevant domains.
We bring a wealth of firsthand knowledge to revolutionize your code translation experience.

Our Team

We are fortunate to work with some of the best experts in the industry.

About Our Team

We are fortunate to work with some of the best experts in the industry.


Principal Data Scientist

Daniel N. Huber

10+ years in AI and big data, leading customers to successful transformations


Managing Partner

Ivo Sokolov

CEO of Specific-Group Data Solutions GmbH - a dedicated Data Engineering team within the 400+ people that operates in 8 countries.


CEO & Founder

Chloe Williams

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Get in touch

Transform Challenges
into Solutions

Contact us now to explore how we can elevate your code journey