Legal Notice
Information in accordance with section 5(1) of the Austrian E-Commerce Act (ECG)
Company name
Specific-Group Data Solutions GmbH
Head office
Hoher Markt 5, 1010 Vienna, Austria
+43 1 4892528
+43 1 4892528 121
VAT ID number
ATU 74702645
Company registration number
FN 517002 y
Court of registration
Vienna Commercial Court [Handelsgericht Wien], Austria

Legal information
Specific-Group regularly checks and updates the information contained on its websites. Despite our best efforts, the information may have changed in the interim. We therefore cannot be liable or warrant that all the information provided on our website is current, correct and complete. The same applies to all other linked websites on our site. Linking to such websites is at your own risk.
Specific-Group is not responsible for the content of websites accessed through links. Furthermore, Specific-Group is entitled to amend or supplement the information contained on our website. Specific-Group does not use its websites to give you or third parties investment advice or other recommendations.
The information and/or features contained on these websites should not be construed as a sound basis for making investments or other decisions. Past performance is not necessarily an indicator of future results. The content and structure of Specific-Group websites are protected by copyright. Express consent is required from Specific-Group prior to copying information or data, or using website texts, excerpts, documents or images.